Candle Tweaks CCTV is a work in progress project of a virtual band. The Band: A drummer, a bassist and a keyboard player. Animated in sync with beats and melodies coming from hardware synthesizers, in this case, an Electribe 2 and a Novation Circuit. Band Members:

Synced with beats and melodies:
Eye light
Cymbal Ride
Hi Hat
Body movement

Synced with beats and melodies:
Eye light
Both hands move up and down depending on the note played
Right Hand for any note

Synced with beats and melodies:
Eye light
Left Hand for musical notes
Right Hand for any note
Head follows Left hand
The Music: could be defined as mix of funky/electronic chill hop.
In this version, a Novation Circuit and en Electribe 2 provide the beats and melodies.However, additional instruments are also present, Microbrute, MB 33 like an electric guitar for example or even vocals.
Example of the current setup:

I’m aiming to have around 45 min of material for a live gig, extendable to 60 min with some jamming.

The Visuals: the aesthetics are inspired by vaporwave, early 2000’s video game 3D graphics and tech demos.
The software is been developed with Unity, in full 3D. This allows multiple camera shots, real time lighting, particle effects and post processing.

There will be several stages, another example is having a virtual screen in the back projecting a real video feed from a camera showing the performance.
This video feed could also be used to playback video files, for example:
Interaction between Unity and MIDI devices was done with the help of a MIDI plugin: MidiJack, by Keijiro.
What’s next:
The things that I plan to implement in the future
In the visuals:
new post processing effects
support for audio processing (currently only MIDI is supported)
improve character animations
improve 3D modeling of characters and assets
different sets, stages and backgrounds that change dynamically
evolving visual narrative
In the music:
improve sound quality, by EQ and polish
add an Ableton project as an extra instrument
more songs!
special guests